小众团「盖瑟斯堡出发」尼亚加拉大瀑布、纽约、波士顿、多伦多、魁北克、蒙特利尔 6日游(美加名城名景全览)
We want to thank you Sam (Tour Guide) & Tommy (Driver), for their friendly professional service. Both are willing to go the extra mile to fulfill every guests’ needs 我們認為Sam是一位友善幽默的導遊, he responded text messages and answered our questions and concern promptly. Sam explained in detail of the historical buildings and sites; he repeatedly reminded everyone to check all personal belongings before leaving each hotel. I remember the 5th day of our journey, a few people departed from our bus and got on another one and left. Shortly after, Sam received a phone call from a guest and told him that he/she forgot eyeglasses, Sam found it from the seat and contacted the other bus driver to meet at a center location in order to return the eyeglass to the guest. I also witnessed most of the guests came to say goodbye and thank you him for his great service. Our family gave him the extra service fee, 只是想表達我們對他專業服務的讚賞和認同.