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  • 北美旅行专业网站


Per Person

  • 产品编号:PY-T-12287
  • 票卡
  • 芭提雅





Ad******ar 2023-12-21

I needed to have my tickets issued before the 5pm ticketing cutoff and I messaged an agent who sent me the PDF file immediately within 2 mins from the time I started the chat. That's excellent response time of customer service and we were able to get the tickets issued at 4:58! I only wish more companies were like you rather than having to deal with stupid chat bots all the time. I'll definitely be a repeat customer! Adam Lazar

Ma***********ev 2023-12-20

Fast and reliable service! Saves money anr nervous

Judit 2023-12-19

they offered the cheapest ticket price so we webt for it. The voucher imnediately arrived in my inbox

Jo********on 2023-12-17

The sanctuary of truth was amazing. We had a great tour guide named Pamala who was so knowledgeable and sweet and kind. We had the best day ever. Pass for less was easy to use, we saved a few dollars and got in much quicker than waiting I. The cash line.

Ne*************ic 2023-12-14

Very gentle and easy way to book tickets. I bought a ticket for Thailand activity and all went very smooth. Highly recommended.

ar******ng 2023-12-13

Great booking system, with no hassle. Highly recommended. And it cheaper than on the spot.

Mo************an 2023-12-07

it works and saves money.

Will 2023-11-29

It’s very convenience service. And price is really lower than other website.

Incl. Tax






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