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GRAY LINE随上随下巴士:纽约市中心路线+1景点门票

  • 产品编号:NY-T-7344
  • 票卡
  • 纽约
  • 英文
售价: 78 /人起
成人 儿童
  • 即时确认
  • 服务承诺 低价保证 价格保护 如实描述 安全交易
  • 会员权益


  • 游遍纽约最精彩的景点,自选景点为您带来更多乐趣
    Catch all of the highlights of the city and select a bonus location for added entertainment
  • 跟Gray Line随上随下巴士+自选景点一起,探索“大苹果”
    Explore the Big Apple With the Downtown Tour Plus One
  • 计划去纽约旅游? 不要忘记游览哪些必去景点。跟随Gray Line随上随下巴士+自选景点一起,您可一次游遍纽约最精彩的景点,自选景点为您带来更多乐趣。驾照司机知识渊博,沿途会为您介绍纽约。本次旅程会给您带来难忘的回忆,无价的照片
    Planning a trip to the Big Apple? Don’t miss out on the best the city has to offer. With the Downtown Tour Plus One package, you can catch all of the highlights of the city and select a bonus location for added entertainment. This tour is narrated by licensed guides who have extensive knowledge of the city. You will leave the tour with unforgettable memories, priceless photographs, and amusing anecdotes to share when you get home
  • 探索纽约不夜城
    Explore the City That Never Sleeps
  • 随上随下双层巴士带您游览,给您带来无与伦比的体验。您不用担心错过巴士;巴士每30分钟一班,不用担心错过巴士。您有机会探索纽约,融入购物大军。本线路将带您游览许多地标建筑,包括中央公园、广场酒店、冬季花园、纽约无线电城音乐厅、纽约证券交易所、市政厅以及洛克菲勒中心。见证纽约中央车站的忙碌与喧嚣,去著名的蒂芙尼逛逛,看看那里耀眼的珠宝
    Hop on to a colorful double-decker bus and experience the city like never before. Do not worry if you miss your scheduled bus time; the buses usually run every 30 minutes, and you can rest assured that another will be along shortly. This tour offers numerous opportunities to explore the town and engage in some serious shopping. The route will take you to many iconic city landmarks such as the Park Central and Plaza Hotels, Winter Garden Theatre, Radio City Music Hall, the New York Stock Exchange, City Hall, and Rockefeller Center. Witness the classic hustle and bustle of the Grand Central Terminal, and make a stop at famous Tiffany & Co to browse their stunning collection of jewelry
  • 自选景点
    Bonus Attractions
  • 除了地标建筑之外,Gray Line随上随下巴士+自选景点还为您提供了一个自选景点。如果您喜爱历史,那就不能错过自由女神像和纽约历史社会博物馆。博物馆中收藏着众多历史文物、绘画、文件和特殊收藏,定能引起您的兴趣,增长见识。此外,您还可以参观9/1纪念中心,发掘历史悲剧的第一手资料。您还有其他选择,从帝国大厦到“Ripley’s Believe it or Not!“,均可选择
    You can also visit the 9/11 tribute center to discover personal first-hand accounts of the tragedy and to honor the victims of the event. There are several other options to choose from that appeal to all kinds of interests, from the Empire State Building Observatory to the wacky world of “Ripley’s Believe it or Not!"
  • 现在就规划您的行程吧
    Schedule Your Tour Today
  • 不要错过纽约最精华的部分。如果您希望能有一场激动愉快的纽约之旅,那么随上随下巴士游览是您的最佳选择!现在就订购Gray Line随上随下巴士+自选景点吧
    Don’t miss out on the best the city has to offer. If you’re ready to dive into the excitement and exhilaration of New York City, this thrilling bus tour is the place to start! Book your Downtown Tour Plus One package today


Gray Line城市观光纽约游客中心 Gray Line CitySightseeing New York Visitor Center
请至少提前30分钟到Gray Line城市观光纽约游客中心办理手续
详见个人行程777 8th Avenue (between 47th & 48th Streets)


  • 总时长: 详见个人行程



  • 纽约市中心游览 Downtown Tour
  • 11种语言讲解 Narration in 11 different language options
  • 一个自选景点 An attraction added to enhance your visit
  • 可接布鲁克林游 Connections to/from the Brooklyn Tour


  • 门票 Admissions
  • 食品及饮料 Food and beverages
  • 小费 Gratuities


  • 总时长: 详见个人行程
  • 建议早于出发前3个工作日预订。我们会在24小时之内为您完成行程确认及信息回复,如遇订单高峰期,最迟不超过3个工作日。如已售罄,我们会为您提供其他选择或取消订单
  • 旅客在产品出行或使用当天未出席或使用,视为主动放弃,并且不退还费用
  • 如果您还有其他需求,请在预订时说明或致电咨询
  • 请至少在预计出发提前30分钟到Gray Line城市观光纽约游客中心(位于777第八大街(47街与48街之间)办理手续。届时请于游客中心纽约代表处出示您的电子确认函。 Please be sure to check in at least 30 minutes prior to anticipated departure at the Gray Line CitySightseeing New York Visitor Center located at 777 8th Avenue (between 47th & 48th Streets). Please be sure to present your email voucher to the Gray Line CitySightseeing New York Representative at the Visitor Center
  • 此行程为当地英文地接社,在接到确认函后,仍有可能因人数过少、天气等原因不成团,此种情况下,您可以选择改换日期或全额退款
  • 如出团凭证上写明行程需要出发前,与当地地接社联络以进行二次确认的,客人必须按照说明取得联络,如因未提前联络导致行程取消或变更,玩哪儿旅行无法承担相应损失,尽请谅解



出发前15天 - 29天(含)取消订单
出发前8天 - 14天(含)取消订单



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