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  • 北美旅行专业网站

『羚羊谷一日游』下羚羊谷/X羚羊谷+马蹄湾 一日游(英文巴士团/含午餐)

  • 产品编号:LV1-8649
  • 一日游
  • 出发:拉斯维加斯
  • 返回:拉斯维加斯
  • 英文
售价: 179 /人起
成人 儿童


  • 在中午阳光充足捕捉上羚羊谷的奇景
  • 欣赏上羚羊谷奇幻的色彩斑斓的变化
  • 乘坐当地人的吉普车近距离感受世界闻名的上羚羊谷
  • 下羚羊峡谷,世上怪异的20大旅游去处之一
  • 徒步欣赏下羚羊谷的自然景观
  • 观赏大自然的鬼斧神工——U型河道马蹄湾


一、X羚羊谷一日游 (含票)

  • 成人

  • 儿童



  • 成人

  • 儿童



  • 成人

  • 儿童






景点1: 羚羊峡谷是世界上知名的狭缝型峡谷之一,也是知名的摄影景点,羚羊峡谷在地形上分为两个独立的部分,称为上羚羊峡谷与下羚羊峡谷。这里的地质构造是有名的红砂岩,谷内岩石被山洪冲刷得如梦幻世界。峡谷位于印第安人保护区,自然的奇幻美景是游客们的“地下天堂”,但天堂需要印第安导游的带领才能入内。这不仅仅是为了自然和人文保护的需要,更是为了游客的人身安全。就算是峡谷上方阳光灿烂,但是如果一场暴雨突然降临,这狭窄的天堂瞬间就可能变成一处急流奔腾、绝无逃生可能的地方。

景点2:马蹄湾坐落于亚利桑那州小镇PAGE附近,与羚羊谷相距不远。佩吉市(Page, Arizona)属于纳瓦荷原住民保护区,从拉斯维加斯驱车到达这里有将近500公里的路程,一早出发中午前后就可以到达了。马蹄湾不仅是免费的,更重要的是虽然它只有一个观望点,但就这个点的震撼程度来讲,世界上难以找出第二个。它的土质就像犹他的土质一样,因为含大量的铁和锰金属所以在阳光下闪耀着美丽的金属红色。其次,切出这个湾的科罗拉多河是翡翠般的绿色,红色的土和绿色的河相得益彰,从颜色上来说非常赏心悦目。再者,它的湾很圆润,从形状上来讲很美,这个湾够深够大,所以这个湾才够气势!俯视科罗拉多河时,你可以望到其中的像苍蝇般小的船。


06:00am 从拉斯出发开往羚羊峡谷

09:00am 途径圣乔治市

10:30am 途径卡纳布市

11:15am 抵达佩吉市

11:30am 羚羊峡谷+马蹄湾,游玩约3小时

14:00pm 返程

19:30pm 到达拉斯维加斯


  • 午餐
  • 结束时间: 拉斯维加斯当地时间20: 00 (仅供参考)



Excalibur Hotel 等车地点:Rear Rotunda tour lobby
如果您住在以下酒店 Excalibur, Mandalay Bay, Luxor, Tropicana, Hooters, MGM, New York New York, Monte Carlo [接站地点为 Excalibur Hotel Rear Rotunda tour lobby]
05:003850 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109
NYNY - Main Valet, outside of Reception 05:053790 Las Vegas Blvd.S. Las Vegas, NV 89109
Horseshoe / Horseshoe Las Vegas Hotel & Casino - North Entrance, facing Flamingo Road
如果您住在以下酒店 Bally's, Paris, Planet Hollywood, Aria, Vdara, Cosmopolitan, Bellagio, Westin, Flamingo, Linq, Harrah's, Caesars Palace [接站地点为 Bally's Hotel North Door at Flamingo Rd]
05:103645 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Treasure Island Hotel - Bus Pickup Area, located on Mystere Dreams Ave (formerly called Siren’s Cove Boulevard)
如果您住在以下酒店 Mirage, Treasure Island, Venetian, Palazzo,Trump, Wynn, Encore [接站地点为 Treasure Island Hotel Bus Pick Up Area]
05:303300 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Circus Circus - Front entrance, Under Big Clown Sign05:002880 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Park MGM - Northwest Valet. Rideshare pickup area05:053770 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Resorts World - South Main Entrance off of Goh Tong Way 05:103000 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Bellagio Hotel - Underground Tour Bus Lobby, right side of main entrance05:153600 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Wynn - south tower bus and limo pick-up area (on Wynn South Gate Drive)05:203131 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Trump hotel - Street curb in front of Main Valet05:202000 Fashion Show Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Virgin Hotel - Main Valet04:554455 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89169
MGM Grand Hotel04:503799 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109
04:50ARIA Resort & Casino, South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Mandalay Bay - Beach Level Tour Bus Lobby: Please take the escalators down from the Main Mandalay Bay lobby.04:50Mandalay Bay Beach, South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV, USA
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3


Excalibur Hotel3850 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Park MGM3770 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Treasure Island Hotel3300 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109



  • 羚羊谷门票+纳瓦霍各项许可费及税费全包含
  • 专业英文导游
  • 马蹄湾商业停车许可费
  • 舒适旅游车,使用车辆类型根据当日具体参团人数决定,7座商务,14人座高顶/中巴,或55-61座巴士
  • 午餐


  • 【必付】导游及司机小费,建议每人每天$15-20美金
  • 所有私人消费
  • 8岁以下婴儿/儿童座椅产生的相关费用(租金$20/件,如有需要请下单时告知)


  • 导游将在出发前一天通过电话联络您,可留下中国或美国手机号码,无法联系的客人责任自负。
  • 出发前请详细检查您的行李及确定旅行证件齐全。享受优惠票价的客人,请携带有照片的证件,以便核对年龄。
  • 妥善保管个人旅行证件、护照、机票、信用卡及现金,贵重物品请随身携带,切勿留置车内或委托他人看管。
  • 在极少数情况下,由设备及交通工具损坏、罢工、疾病、偷窃、走失、意外事故、天气或参团人数不够等原因造成的行程改变、延迟或取消,地接公司保留解释权。
  • 团体需一起活动,途中若要离队需征得导游同意以免发生意外。
  • 夜间或自由活动时间若需自行外出,请告知导游或团友,并应特别注意安全。
  • 请带好药物:胃肠药、感冒药、晕车药、私人习惯性药物。
  • 新年、国庆日、劳动节或其他长周末假期,团费会有适当的调整,请在订团前先确认价钱。
  • 为了所有旅客的权益旅游团准点出发,请提前10 分钟到达上车地点,过期不侯,责任请自负。
  • 因为行程中可能会出现临时安检并且车辆空间有限,所以游览车不允许旅客携带任何行李箱
  • 为保证行程完整,请旅客配合司机兼导游安排的游览时间和游览顺序,避免出现超时需额外支付超时费用的情况。
  • 由于司机兼导游兼顾司机和导游的双重职责,受限于很多景点停车困难的现实情况,司机兼导游会在车上做简单讲解,通常不会陪同进入景点。如需司机兼导游陪同进入景点,需要额外支付司机兼导游的门票以及停车费。
  • 本产品行程实际出行中,在不减少景点且征得客人同意的前提下,司机兼导游可能会根据天气、交通等情况,对您的行程进行适当调整(如调整景点游览顺序等),以确保行程顺利进行。
  • 我公司保留对由于设备及交通工具损坏、罢工、疾病、偷窃、走失、意外事故、天气等原因和其它一些不可抗力原因对行程更改、推迟和取消的权利。
  • 因交通延阻、罢工、天气、飞机、机器故障、航班取消或更改时间等不可抗力原因所导致的额外费用请自理,敬请谅解。
  • 为了所有旅客的行程安全,请您乘车时必须系好安全带。如果旅客因为未系安全带产生的罚款,由旅客自行承担。
  • 行程中的赠送项目,如因交通、天气等不可抗因素导致不能赠送的、或因您个人原因不能参观的,费用不退,敬请谅解。
  • 为了保证您的行程顺利进行,若您需要提前在行程中的某个地点离团,请务必在预订时留言告知我们,以便确认是否可以安排。
  • 2024.11.20-11.24,F1赛车活动期间,由于道路封闭,车子无法前往Wynn/Horseshoe/Bellagio/MGM Grand/Virgin接送游客,请联系客服确认上下车点










Ev********en 2024-11-5

The trip was rather long but just fantastic. Marvin did a great job speaking about Las Vegas and the region. Bruce was the best driver ever and at the Canyon we had Wyatt as our guide. He was tireless in taking gorgeous pictures and explaining about the formation.

Ol***********in 2024-06-8

Marvin was a fantastic tour guide, who was extremely engaging and knowledgeable. Most definitely made the experience worth while!

Ma*********au 2024-05-27

The tour was excellent and timing.

An***********on 2024-02-19

Bruce & Marvin are awesome ! Recommend to book this two guided tours.

si*********on 2024-01-16

Jimi Vegas was wonderful. He was funny and helpful. The bus should have been little clean. Everything else is fine.

Kh***********al 2023-12-5

Marvin and Leslie were top notch guides and I had an amazing time at the lower antelope Grand Canyon. I thought the hike was going to be longer and there was more time left but for some reason it was relatively short. The amount of stops and breaks was sufficient and vegetarian food was alright. I enjoyed the movies they played throughout the ride as well as the stories Marvin shared. My group was really great and we made it back to Vegas on time.

h7*****49 2023-10-16


Sh*****va 2023-06-7

This is a long day but I have to give credit to the staff for making it all happen successfully and safely. From the early start to the late finish the staff politely kept us on time so we wouldn't miss our canyon walks while providing complimentary water, energy bars and later a turkey (or veg) sandwich. That said, what really kept me going was the humor and motivational steers from our host so a big thank you to the crew!

Yu******an 2023-04-25

I have great time, it's beautful place.

Marco 2023-03-7

The trip was wonderful

so*****ai 2022-11-1

Diana 2022-10-10

Fast Respond and can give suggestion from our inquiries

zh************12 2022-06-19


Rita 2022-04-1

Luckily we booked the tour a couple of days before and managed to get a couple of spots for canyon X. The driver Wayne was great, very entertaining and did his best to ensure we had maximum time at Horseshoe and the Canyon. He gave a lot of interesting facts about vegas, places on the way and the canyons. He was very honest, friendly and funny. We also had an amazing guide at canyon X (Marco). He was patient with us, never rushed us and most importantly, he helped us get amazing pics that looked like a professional photographer took them. He recommended the best spots to take pics and even changed the settings on our phones for the best effects and took them for us at times. I wholeheartedly recommend the tour, it was a fantastic experience and I’m so glad I got to experience and see it in my lifetime. My only comment would be, for the high price and taking into account we only have two very short stop times/rest breaks, food or a lunch should have been included. We left at 5.30am and arrived back at 8pm. In the approx 5hrs on the way there, we only had 1x 20/25mins rest stop to use the bathroom and get food with only one very slow, understaffed, average food option available. There were much better places with more food options we could have stopped at for the break. The 20/25mins stop on the way back was MUCH better, great selection of food choices and a lot more staff around to help.

sh*************ya 2022-03-30

The trip was great, had a lot of fun. Leo and Marvin were great as well. Would recommend. Make sure you are on time though, they can be strict about it.

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