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  • 北美旅行专业网站

圣奥古斯丁 一日游,含观光电车

  • 产品编号:OR1-7233
  • 一日游
  • 出发:奥兰多
  • 返回:奥兰多
  • 英文
售价: 85 /人起
成人 儿童
  • 即时确认


  • 欣赏圣奥古斯丁所有只有观光车才到的热门景点 *Enjoy a tour of all the hot spots in St. Augustine, where only the trolleys can go
  • 随上随下,或者一直坐在电车上享受环线旅程 *Hop on Hop Off or Ride the Loop of The Town -- Sit Back and Relax
  • 回味历史,拥抱美国最古老城市的文化 *Revel in the History and Embrace the Culture of America’s Oldest Town
  • 参观美国最古老的校舍,或者可能是堡垒 *Visit the oldest schoolhouse in the USA, or perhaps the Fort






The oldest city in the USA is very charismatic and inviting! Hop on board the trolley train around town and see all the highlights. Let us show you all the best places in town.


St. Augustine, the nation’s oldest city, also holds the distinction of being one of the nation’s most charming. Known as the "Ancient City," St. Augustine is located between northeast and central east Florida. North Florida boasts a year-round mild climate, perfect for strolling St. Augustine’s delightful historic district, with its cobblestone streets, quaint cafes, bars and unique shops. Explore significant landmarks such as Castillo de San Marcos, Fort Matanzas, Flagler College and the Lightner Museum.


When you choose to ride the trolley road train, you will have the chance to see the ancient city in all its glory. During the 90-minute tour on the trolley, you will have the chance to hop on and hop off as much as you like, or simply sit back and relax and ride the entire loop, multiple times should you choose.


The local conductors make the tour even more entertaining by providing history and humor rolled into one. This is definitely a great way to get around St. Augustine and learn a lot about its history and important areas. We would definitely recommend this package for all ages!

  • 当日说明事项
    • 开始时间: 7:30, 结束时间: 17:00, 总时长: 10 hours



The Big Orange Gift Shop
Outside Store Entrance, Please if Driving Park in the Rear of the Store
06:305395 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy 34746
Maingate Lakeside Hotel - (1232 Zone 4)
Outside Front Lobby for Sightseeing Tour Collection
06:407769 West Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy 34746
Disney All Star Music Hotel - (1133) Zone 4
Sightseeing tours pick up for Disney Guests Only - Outside the MUSIC Lobby by Bell Stand
06:501801 W. Buena Vista Drive 32830
Crossroads Plaza - Goodings Supermarket
Outside Entrance to Goodings Supermarket, Please if Driving Don't Park Immediately in Front of the Store
07:0012521 FL-535 32830
Doubletree Resort International - (868) Zone 3
Sightseeing Tour Pickup Outside Front Lobby
07:1010100 International Drive 32821
Rosen Inn Pointe Orlando Hotel (840) Zone 3
Sightseeing Tours Meet Outside Front Lobby - formally known as Quality Inn Plaza
07:159000 International Drive 32819
Rosen Inn International (773 - Zone 3)
Sightseeing Tours Outside Front Lobby (perviously known as the Quality Inn International)
07:207600 International Drive 32819
Sheraton Four Points Hotel Studio City -732 Zone 3
At the Bus Pick-Up Area at the Rear of the Hotel Lobby
07:305905 International Drive 32819
  • 1
  • 2



  • 圣奥古斯丁道路观光车票 *Admissions to Road Train Trolley Tour in St. Augustine
  • 往返交通及司机-导游的帮助 *Transportation and assistance from a driver-guide


  • 餐饮 *Food and Beverages
  • 小费(随意) *Optional Gratuities


  • 开始时间: 7:30, 结束时间: 17:00, 总时长: 10 hours
  • 建议早于出发前3个工作日预订。我们会在24小时之内为您完成行程确认及信息回复,如遇订单高峰期,最迟不超过3个工作日。如已售罄,我们会为您提供其他选择或取消订单
  • 旅客在产品出行或使用当天未出席或使用,视为主动放弃,并且不退还费用
  • 如果您还有其他需求,请在预订时说明或致电咨询
  • 需要每位客人的全名和年龄 *Full name and age of each guest required
  • 需要邮件或电话二次确认您的接车地点及时间没有变化 *Reservation confirmation is required to confirm or schedule your pick up location and ensure there has been no change to your pick up time
  • 除了列表中显示的接车地点/集合点外,其他酒店付费接车(在指定区域内)可直接联系地接社安排 *In addition to the complimentary pick up locations/meeting points listed on the website, additional hotel pick up locations (within regional limits) can be arranged at a surcharge directly with Gray Line Orlando
  • 请将您的凭证打印出来在参团时出示给工作人员。如果您无法打印凭证,请在二次确认的时候告知我们,然后您可以出示电子凭证
  • *Please present a printed copy of your voucher to the driver-guide, or let the agent know when you call to reconfirm if for any reason you cannot print your voucher then show the driver-guide your digital copy
  • 此行程为当地英文地接社,在接到确认函后,仍有可能因人数过少、天气等原因不成团,此种情况下,您可以选择改换日期或全额退款
  • 如出团凭证上写明行程需要出发前,与当地地接社联络以进行二次确认的,客人必须按照说明取得联络,如因未提前联络导致行程取消或变更,玩哪儿旅行无法承担相应损失,尽请谅解



出发前15天 - 29天(含)取消订单
出发前8天 - 14天(含)取消订单



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