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GRAY LINE随上随下巴士3日票,含自由岛渡轮票、峭石之巅/帝国大厦观景台门票

  • 产品编号:NY-T-7210
  • 票卡
  • 纽约
  • 英文
售价: 104 /人起
成人 儿童
  • 即时确认
  • 服务承诺 低价保证 价格保护 如实描述 安全交易
  • 会员权益


  • GRAY LINE随上随下巴士,纽约超值游览:带您一日逛遍纽约最棒的景点
    See all of New York City’s most exciting spots with the Super New York Tour!
  • 双程巴士游览观光,车票有效期为72小时;自由女神像&埃利斯岛轮渡;可选择帝国大厦或巨石之巅观光票
    Hop-on Hop-off double decker sightseeing bus ticket valid for 72 hours,Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island Ferry, PLUS choice of either the Empire State Building OR Top of the Rock Observatory tickets.
  • GRAY LINE随上随下巴士,纽约超值游览带您一日逛遍纽约最棒的景点!本次旅行包含纽约最吸引人的景点,只需低价即可享受。
    See all of New York City’s most exciting spots with the Super New York Tour! This carefully curated experience combines New York’s top attractions so that you can see and do it all for one low price.
  • 到达游客中心,从两个纽约地标建筑中选择一个:帝国大厦或巨石之巅。两者均会给您展示纽约全景和独一无二的旅游照片!
    Upon arrival at the Visitor Center, choose a visit to one of two of New York’s most iconic skyscrapers: The Empire State Building or the Top of the Rock Observation Deck. Both of these famous attractions offer breathtaking panoramic views of New York City, and unbeatable photo ops to remember your trip!
  • 从这里开始,您可以搭乘双层巴士,沿着街道,尽情享受纽约的美景。72小时的巴士游览可带您贴近四大城区:下城区, 上城区, 布鲁克林区,和布朗克斯区。您可随意上下巴士,享受沿途美景。巴士每25-30分钟一班,所以您可尽情享受时光!
    From there, you’re free to enjoy the sights and sounds of the city of New York from the comfort of a double-decker bus high above the city streets. Your 72-hour bus tour pass grants you unlimited access to 4 fully-narrated tour loops through Downtown, Uptown, Brooklyn, and the Bronx. Hop on and off as many times as you please to see all of the attractions along the way. Buses run every 25-30 minutes, so you can explore the city at your leisure!
  • 您的旅程包括城市夜景观光,双层巴士带您游览纽约夜景!夜景观光途径时代广场、帝国大厦、洛克菲勒中心,在通过曼哈顿大桥之前,您还会欣赏到江滨美景。
    Your pass also includes the CitySights night tour, offering unparalleled double-decker views of the bright lights of NYC! This narrated evening tour takes you past Times Square, the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, and more before crossing the Manhattan Bridge for unforgettable waterfront views of the incredible illuminated Manhattan skyline.
  • 当然,到了纽约就要去看看纽约最著名的地标建筑——自由女神像。您的自由女神像轮渡票包括去往国家移民博物馆所在地埃利斯岛的费用。
    Of course, no visit to New York is complete without a trip to the city’s most famous landmark – the Statue of Liberty. Your Statue of Liberty ferry ticket also includes a trip to Ellis Island, home of the National Immigration Museum.
  • 您的旅行套餐中包含了巴士轮渡,纽约市博物馆或纽约历史博物馆的费用。此外还有一张吃喝玩乐折扣卡,30内4人可在100家餐厅使用!
    As part of your tour package, you also receive a free Hop-on Hop-Off Ferry Tour, entrance to the Museum of the City of New York or New York Historical Society, AND an Eat and Play Discount Card valid for discounts at 100 restaurants for 30 days for up to 4 people!
  • GRAY LINE随上随下巴士,纽约超值游览,现在就来预定吧!
    Make the most of your trip to New York City – book your Super New York Tour today!


Gray Line游客中心 Gray Line CitySightseeing New York Visitor Center
详见个人行程777 8th Avenue between 47th & 48th Streets


  • 总时长: 72 小时



  • 双程巴士游览观光,车票有效期为72小时 Hop-on Hop-off double decker sightseeing bus ticket valid for 72 hours
  • 自由女神像&埃利斯岛轮渡 Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island Ferry
  • 纽约帝国大厦或巨石之巅观光票 Choice of either the Empire State Building OR Top of the Rock Observatory tickets


  • 门票 Admissions
  • 食品和饮料 Food and beverages
  • 小费 Gratuities


  • 总时长: 72 小时
  • 建议早于出发前3个工作日预订。我们会在24小时之内为您完成行程确认及信息回复,如遇订单高峰期,最迟不超过3个工作日。如已售罄,我们会为您提供其他选择或取消订单
  • 旅客在产品出行或使用当天未出席或使用,视为主动放弃,并且不退还费用
  • 如果您还有其他需求,请在预订时说明或致电咨询
  • 请至少在预计出发提前30分钟到Gray Line城市观光纽约游客中心(位于777第八大街(47街与48街之间)办理手续。届时请于游客中心纽约代表处出示您的电子确认函 Please be sure to check in at least 30 minutes prior to anticipated departure at the Gray Line CitySightseeing New York Visitor Center located at 777 8th Avenue (between 47th & 48th Streets). Please be sure to present your email voucher to the Gray Line CitySightseeing New York Representative at the Visitor Center
  • 请在游客中心处选择帝国大厦或巨石之巅观光票 Choose a visit to the Empire Statue Building OR Top Of The Rock Observatory upon arrival at the Visitor Center



出发前15天 - 29天(含)取消订单
出发前8天 - 14天(含)取消订单



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