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温莎城堡、罗马浴场、巨石阵 一日游(含票,含午餐)

  • 产品编号:LO1-7532
  • 一日游
  • 出发:伦敦
  • 返回:伦敦
  • 英文
售价: 158.36 /人起
成人 儿童
  • 即时确认
  • 服务承诺 低价保证 价格保护 如实描述 安全交易
  • 会员权益


  • 参观温莎城堡
    Entry to Windsor Castle State Apartments
  • 参观玛丽皇后的玩偶屋和圣乔治教堂
    Visit Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House and St George’s Chapel
  • 参观神秘的巨石阵
    Visit Mysterious Stonehenge
  • 免费午餐
    Free Lunch Pack
  • 参观罗马浴场,体验温泉水
    Entrance to Roman Baths and Pump Rooms with spa water tasting
  • 空调巴士
    Luxury air conditioned vehicle





温莎城堡 *Windsor Castle


Steeped in history, Windsor Castle perches proudly on a lush wooded hill overlooking the Thames. Dating back to Norman times, with sweeping landscaped gardens and turreted Round Tower, it’s easy to see why it’s the Queen’s favourite weekend residence. Enjoy a fascinating through–the–keyhole peek at the lavish State Apartments, home to priceless artworks by Rembrandt and Leonardo da Vinci, and visit St. George’s Chapel, the atmospheric final resting place of former monarchs including Henry VIII. You can visit Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House, a truly incredible structure complete with working lifts, running water, electricity and wine bottles, all in miniature

神秘的巨石阵 *Mysterious Stonehenge


The true meaning of this ancient, awe-inspiring creation has been lost in the mists of time. Was Stonehenge a temple for sun worship, a healing centre, a burial site or perhaps a huge calendar? How did our ancestors manage to carry the mighty stones from so far away and then, using only the most primitive of tools, build this amazing structure? Surrounded by mystery, Stonehenge never fails to impress

免费午餐 *Free Lunch Pack**


To ensure you make the most of each attraction and don’t waste valuable exploring time, our tour includes a lunch pack, completely free of charge! Save time, money and dodge the inconvenience of finding somewhere to eat

巴斯 *Bath


Standing proudly on the slopes of the River Avon, beautiful Bath was the first city in England to be designated an UNESCO World Heritage site. The gorgeous 15th century Bath Abbey, the stunning Georgian architecture, the romantic Pulteney Bridge, modeled on Florence's Ponte Vecchio, are all sights to linger on in the memory of your day. Roman Baths and Pump Rooms No tour of Bath would be complete without a visit to the famous Roman Baths that gave the city its name. This beautifully preserved bathing complex still flows with water from Britain’s only hot spring. Marvel at the dazzling torch–lighting ceremony as dusk falls (not applicable in summer) and sip Bath’s healing waters in the Pump Room, a stunning neo–classical salon

  • 当日说明事项
    • 开始时间: 08:30, 结束时间: 20:00, 总时长: 约11小时



Golden Tours Visitor Centre in Victoria08:004 Fountain Square, 123-151 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SH



  • 温莎城堡、巨石阵、罗马浴室门票 *Admissions to Windsor Castle, Stonehenge and Roman Baths
  • 专业导游 *Professional guide
  • 空调大巴 *Transportation by air-conditioned coach
  • 午餐 *Free Lunch


  • 小费 *Gratuities
  • 食品及饮料(除非另有要求) *Food and beverages unless stated differently
  • 酒店接送的交通 *Hotel Pick-up & drop off


  • 开始时间: 08:30, 结束时间: 20:00, 总时长: 约11小时
  • 建议早于出发前3个工作日预订。我们会在24小时之内为您完成行程确认及信息回复,如遇订单高峰期,最迟不超过3个工作日。如已售罄,我们会为您提供其他选择或取消订单
  • 旅客在产品出行或使用当天未出席或使用,视为主动放弃,并且不退还费用
  • 如果您还有其他需求,请在预订时说明或致电咨询
  • 请至少提前24小时向我们确认您的接送地点及预订。电话:44 (0)20 7233 7030/ 1 800 548 7083;邮箱:london@grayline.com。在您出发当日,请至少提前10分钟在服务台等候。之后我们会把您送到黄金游游客中心,那里有工作人员收取您的票据。出发地点:伦敦SW1W 9SH,白金汉宫广场路123-151,喷泉广场4,黄金游游客中心。出发时间:8:45(请至少提前15分钟到达)请注意:2014年8月9号、10号,任何线路都没有酒店接送服务。所有游客必须自行前往维多利亚黄金游游客中心。请在订购时加以确定
  • *Please call at least 24 hours prior the departure to confirm your pick-up location and reservation.Tel: 44 (0)20 7233 7030/ 1 800 548 7083Email: london@grayline.comOn the day of the tour, please wait inside by the concierge desk at least 10 minutes before the confirmed pick-up time. After the hotel pick-up, upon arrival at the Golden Tours Visitor Centre, a member of staff will collect your ticket from you.Departure point: Golden Tours Visitors Centre, 4 Fountain Square, 123-151 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SHDeparture time: 08.45 AM (Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the time stated)Please Note: On 9 & 10 August 2014 there will be no hotel pick-up service for any of our tours. All guests must make their way to the Golden Tours Visitor Centre in Victoria. Please confirm at the time of booking
  • 若温莎城堡国事厅关闭,半国事厅不会开放 *When the State Apartments are closed the Semi-State Rooms will not be open
  • 您可从已有地点中选取出发地点和返程地点 *You can be picked up from a number of locations and departure points
  • 此行程为当地英文地接社,在接到确认函后,仍有可能因人数过少、天气等原因不成团,此种情况下,您可以选择改换日期或全额退款
  • 如出团凭证上写明行程需要出发前,与当地地接社联络以进行二次确认的,客人必须按照说明取得联络,如因未提前联络导致行程取消或变更,玩哪儿旅行无法承担相应损失,尽请谅解



出发前15天 - 29天(含)取消订单
出发前8天 - 14天(含)取消订单







tong 2017-05-17

Great guide! Not the Chinese tour, the English tour!

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